How many days a week should I do CrossFit? Is CrossFit 3 times a week enough?

October 27, 2021

Have you been thinking about starting CrossFit training, but you aren’t quite sure how much is enough? Is three times a week going to be sufficient? Or perhaps too much? In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know so that you can find the perfect balance to suit your lifestyle and the results that you’d like to achieve. Let’s get stuck in! 

How many days a week should I do CrossFit?

How many days a week should you do CrossFit? Well, if you are a beginner and you haven’t had any exercise in quite some time, then the best bet is to get stuck in and exercise with some regularity. 

Work it into your weekly schedule, pick the same days each week, and then dedicate the time to your training, just as you would any other important time (e.g., work or family time). 

As a beginner, the prospect of training CrossFit 3 to 5 times a week can be daunting—horrifying even. However, don’t panic! To quote the Jogging Baboon from the animated series BoJack Horseman: 

“Every day it gets a little easier… But you gotta do it every day — that’s the hard part. But it does get easier.”

That is arguably the best advice that anyone can give you when it comes to CrossFit (minus the everyday part). 

At first, it is going to be difficult, especially if you haven’t done any regular exercise in a long time. However, with every single session, you complete it gets easier and easier; and you will be growing stronger and stronger, and then it’s just one big positive snowball as your life changes for the better due to regular exercise

Aim for 3 times a week ASAP 

As far as regularity/frequency goes, you’ll want to get to 3 CrossFit sessions a week as quickly as possible (working out 1 day and then taking the next day off is a great place to start).

E.g., Work out Monday, Weds, and Friday (with the other 4 days off for recovery). 

Get used to a regular workout 

You need to get used to regular exercise as quickly as possible—and your body will thank you for the regularity. Before long, you’ll soon be able to tell if 3 days is either too much for you, or if you could benefit from another day or two. 

What is the ideal frequency for CrossFit? 

Ideally, for the best results, you want to work out at least 5 times per week. This means working out for 3 days in a row, taking a day off, and then rinsing and repeating. After 3 to 6 months of CrossFit 5 days a week, you won’t even recognise yourself The amazing results that can be acquired through hard graft, regularity, and dedication will blow your mind! 

Now, of course, working out 5 days a week might not be a logistical possibility for you, depending on your work/school schedule and/or family obligations. But don’t worry, because you can play around with it and find a schedule that best fits into your lifestyle (e.g., CrossFit 5 days in a row, with your weekends off to recover). 

Don’t stress, take your time 

You don’t want to cause any unnecessary damage or trauma to your body by throwing yourself into 6 workouts in the very first week of training (again, particularly if you haven’t done any regular exercise in a while). Doing so can have an adverse effect and may even result in injury, pushing your CrossFit goals back even further until you fully recover. 

You have to listen to your body. If you are feeling tired and beat up because you’ve been burning the candle at both ends, working out 5-6 days a week, trying to balance your work and home life, and struggling to get enough sleep, then take an extra day off from training. Yes, regularity is important, however, you don’t want to burn yourself out unnecessarily. Rest up, re-energise, and get back to it! 

Start off at your own pace—just remember to stick to a routine and uphold some regularity. Then, aim to get to at least 4-5 CrossFit sessions per week as quickly as possible—that is when the real results start kicking in! 

Is CrossFit 3 times a week enough?

Understandably, 5-6 times a week might simply be too much for some people, whether it bet a ‘not enough hours in the day’ situation, or you simply don’t want to! In any case, yes, CrossFit 3 times a week is enough. It all depends on the results you would like to achieve. 

If you are doing CrossFit 3 times a week, on regular days, with consistency, then you will achieve excellent results over an extended period of time. If you couple that with a healthy diet, drinking plenty of water, and perhaps carrying out some random exercises at home, then your life will improve drastically. 

Even more so if for those 3 CrossFit sessions a week, you are following the AMRAP ethos (AMRAP meaning – As Many Reps As Possible).

Remember, your situation can change at any time. Right now, CrossFit 3 times a week might seem daunting and unappetising. However, after a few months of feeling stronger, having more energy, and feeling amazing about yourself, you may even find yourself hungry for more! 


And that about sums it up! Ultimately, the frequency at which you CrossFit is entirely down to you, your lifestyle and preferences, and what you’d like to achieve. 

The ideal frequency for CrossFit is at least 5 times a week with consistent regularity. 

And under the right circumstances, CrossFit 3 times a week is enough! 

If you’d like to find out more about CrossFit, the many ways in which it can benefit and enrich your life, and how to go about getting started, find a reputable gym local to you.

We hope that this article has been helpful to you. Good luck, get stuck in, and enjoy the transformation!

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