How to increase the resale value of an investment property

February 23, 2021

The process of selling your own home can be quite a long, drawn out and complicated process that will generally take up a large amount of your free time and requires a lot of careful consideration. However if you are selling a property that you purchased or inherited as an investment for the future then it can become slightly more complicated as your main focus will be attaining the highest possible market value with the quickest and smoothest transaction. Although some may argue that there is the bonus of not having any emotional attachment to the property in most cases and not needing to fit the process around a house you are actually residing in.

So when it comes down to it, the main motivation for selling the house is the money and it’s important that you take all of the necessary steps to ensure that you attain the highest possible market price for your property. However the old adage “spend money to make money” comes to mind and to really hit home the true value of your property you will need to be willing to pay to have slight changes made to the current property. So let’s take a look at a few of these things that you can try in order to bump up that offer amount.

Home staging

Okay so you have probably at some stage in the past taken a photo of yourself without preparing in any way. If you haven’t then try it now, take out your phone, open your camera app and without any facial changes, modifications to your hair or adopting any kind of pose take a photograph. How good does it look? Exactly. Well believe it or not your home actually needs a similar amount of preparation before you take photographs of it and try to sell it on its merits. After all, you don’t want to have messy and unkempt, dingy looking photographs when they could potentially be the most important photographs of the house you have ever taken. There is a whole industry dedicated to this very job and they are called “home stagers”.

Home stagers are a mixture of photographers, stylists and designers who will come to your home and prepare every shot that is planning on being taken of the house for brochures and estate agents, making sure that they not only look neat, presentable and properly lit, but also that they show the best features of the house in the most interesting and enticing way possible. Another service they provide tis to professionally arrange and organize the route that you plan on taking house viewers around or open house guests. They will go a long way to making your home appear as open, warm and inviting as possible.

Redecorating tips

Whether you have been keeping your property vacant or whether you let the property out to make money for yourself in the interim during the process of letting it appreciate value and become something that is worth a substantial amount more than you originally paid for it. However either way you are most probably going to have to redecorate most of the rooms, either due to them becoming faded and worn or from people living within the house itself.

And it’s important during this process that you remove your own personal taste from the equation as possible. While it may be frustrating and annoying to paint a beautiful house of that kind in all magnolia, however, this is what sells in the market. First of all due to its neutral and crisp look and feel and the fact that being an “off” white, it doesn’t show up dirt and marks quite as easily. The second is that these light and neutral are easy to redecorate over with a different colour without stripping off the preexisting colour; you can simply paint straight over the magnolia.

So make sure that you put some proper thought into the planning of the decorations and what colours will go whe3re. Now if this was just a single room you might be able to get away with doing it yourself, however, due to the importance and money involved in the sale of your home it’s recommended that you find some experienced and well-reviewed painting contractors to take that off of your hands and deal with the work for you, to give you time to tend to more important matters.

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